What are the Common Core State Standards (Math) ?
A list of standards (standards are virtually just skills/concepts) which should be taught at each grade level. They have also included a list of 8 principles for which students should have experiences, such as: perserverance in solving word problems, identifying patterning, deciding which tools to use to solve a problem (calculator, ruler, what not).
What the Common Core State Standards ARE NOT (as far as math):
1.) Worksheets, classwork, quizzes, tests, homework. Each state has been deciding how to IMPLEMENT the common core state standards, but there are no work materials that are actually a part of the Common Core State Standards.
2.) Standardized Testing. Any standardized testing CURRENTLY occurring IS NOT a part of the CCSS. There are currently 2 testing consortiums that have been in the planning phase for over 3 years, discussing how the CCSS will be assessed, but there have been no standardized test given that are actually a part of the CCSS.
Why did they decide to make the Common Core State Standards? (as far as math goes...)
1.) So that there would be consistency in material covered & timing across state lines.
2.) There was little cohesiveness to the topics taught in each grade level (it was so bad we used to have a "catch all" unit where we taught a whole list of topics that in no way connected to anything else the students would be learning throughout the year).
3.) There were too many standards for each grade level. (some grade levels had over 100 standards that needed to be taught in a school year. This means that a teacher could spend less than 2 days on each new topic!!!)
4.) There was a fair amount of "reteaching" of topics that was occurring, which wastes time.
How do the Common Core Standards help us to compete globally?
The writers of the common core looked at what topics where being taught & when, in the countries that have been providing top instruction in mathematics. They took strong consideration into the topic overlaps, when deciding what topics would receive focus and when they would be taught.
Why has it been such a bumpy ride?
When you implement a new curriculum, you have two options: start only kindergarteners on the new standards and let the new program "grow out" or immediately switch over to the new program on all levels. The country as a whole has chosen to make a more immediate switch. Without careful planning, this could allow for some gaps (as some topics have been shifted down or up a grade level) and there will be some transitioning as students get used to the new balance of conceptual learning/fluency/procedures. Many states chose not to test last year to allow for this transitional period. HOWEVER, NY state was not one of these states & they chose to develop and administer their own test.
A list of standards (standards are virtually just skills/concepts) which should be taught at each grade level. They have also included a list of 8 principles for which students should have experiences, such as: perserverance in solving word problems, identifying patterning, deciding which tools to use to solve a problem (calculator, ruler, what not).
What the Common Core State Standards ARE NOT (as far as math):
1.) Worksheets, classwork, quizzes, tests, homework. Each state has been deciding how to IMPLEMENT the common core state standards, but there are no work materials that are actually a part of the Common Core State Standards.
2.) Standardized Testing. Any standardized testing CURRENTLY occurring IS NOT a part of the CCSS. There are currently 2 testing consortiums that have been in the planning phase for over 3 years, discussing how the CCSS will be assessed, but there have been no standardized test given that are actually a part of the CCSS.
Why did they decide to make the Common Core State Standards? (as far as math goes...)
1.) So that there would be consistency in material covered & timing across state lines.
2.) There was little cohesiveness to the topics taught in each grade level (it was so bad we used to have a "catch all" unit where we taught a whole list of topics that in no way connected to anything else the students would be learning throughout the year).
3.) There were too many standards for each grade level. (some grade levels had over 100 standards that needed to be taught in a school year. This means that a teacher could spend less than 2 days on each new topic!!!)
4.) There was a fair amount of "reteaching" of topics that was occurring, which wastes time.
How do the Common Core Standards help us to compete globally?
The writers of the common core looked at what topics where being taught & when, in the countries that have been providing top instruction in mathematics. They took strong consideration into the topic overlaps, when deciding what topics would receive focus and when they would be taught.
Why has it been such a bumpy ride?
When you implement a new curriculum, you have two options: start only kindergarteners on the new standards and let the new program "grow out" or immediately switch over to the new program on all levels. The country as a whole has chosen to make a more immediate switch. Without careful planning, this could allow for some gaps (as some topics have been shifted down or up a grade level) and there will be some transitioning as students get used to the new balance of conceptual learning/fluency/procedures. Many states chose not to test last year to allow for this transitional period. HOWEVER, NY state was not one of these states & they chose to develop and administer their own test.